Giving Gifts


DAY 4 | Giving Gifts

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)


Each and every one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made. God has given us unique giftings to bring into our lives and into our spiritual family, the Church. The sad thing is, many of us bury our gifts because we have yet to identify what exactly God has given us. Do you know the gifts God has given to you? What do you currently have in your hands to work with?

God is the ultimate creator and He loves to gift people with talents in specific areas like music, art, and physical abilities. Others are gifted academically or in speech and how they communicate with people. Regardless of your gift, God chose you on purpose for a purpose and He has equipped you with the ability to strengthen the welfare of His Church with your talents.

Finding your spiritual gifts, in most cases, requires the assistance of a spiritual leader, and is essential in deepening your walk with Christ. It’s equally important to use those gifts appropriately and develop them with the specific purpose of benefiting others. As you give from the gifts God has given you, you’ll receive the blessings of giving and the pleasure of fulfilling God’s purpose.



Heavenly Father, I pray that you reveal to me the gifts you have given me for the benefit of others. I pray for wisdom to know how to use these gifts and develop them for Your glory.