GOD, FAMILY, & OTHERS | Wisdom & Foolishness

Birds of a feather flock together.

As a young boy, I grew up traveling and spending a lot of time with my father and mentor, singer Bobby Cruz, and with my dear friend and mentor the Evangelist Nicky Cruz. It’s because of my relationship with them and many others like them that I am who I am today. No, I’m not a singer nor am I an evangelist but my passion for Jesus and serving God can be directly attributed to the time I spent with them. The truth is that our lives always end up being influenced by the people we walk through life with.

Walk with the wise and become wise …  – Proverbs 13:20(a) NIV

Wisdom is not something you go to college to attain; colleges are full of knowledge but not necessarily wisdom. We live in an information technology age in which information about anything is available at any time. The fact is that people are getting smarter and more knowledgeable than in the past but they’re not becoming wiser, because wisdom is not just knowledge, it’s the proper application of the knowledge you’ve built up. Wisdom is knowing what’s right followed by doing what’s right. Wisdom is contagious, it’s caught by choosing to walk with wise people. People who do not only know what’s right they do what’s right.

… for a companion of fools suffers harm. – Proverbs 13:20(b) NIV

Harm is also contagious, it’s caught by living your life accompanied by fools. In the Bible, a fool is a person who knows what’s right but chooses not to do what’s right. What’s interesting about this proverb is that it doesn’t say that walking with fools will lead you to become a fool. What it says is that walking with fools will lead you to suffer part of the harm that results from the foolishness of those you’re acquainted with.

More than anything else your future will be impacted by the people you choose to walk with. The right people will produce the right results. The wrong people will produce the wrong results. It’s not just a matter of eliminating friends and acquaintances, even though in some cases it would be the wise thing to do. It’s about choosing to walk with the right people. The truth is that for good or bad our lives always end up being influenced by the people we walk through life with.