God’s Goodness – Bobby Cruz Jr.




Thursday February 04, 2016

Jesus begins the day with the news of the decapitation of His cousin John the Baptist. Following this, His disciples arrive accompanied by five thousand men plus women and children. Jesus then decides to hop on a boat in search of a desolate place where He can reflect, grieve, and get away from the crowds. However, when He arrives at His destination, He disembarks only to discover a sea of people waiting for Him wanting Him to teach them and heal them.

Matthew 6:34 NIV

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.

Despite the fact that Jesus was feeling intense sorrow, was being sought by the same man who had decapitated His cousin John, was wanting some alone time to grieve His cousins death, upon landing and seeing the crowds He felt compassion for them. He felt compassion even though He knew the crowds had not come to grieve with Him neither did they feel any compassion for what He was going through.

Although Jesus knew that the vast majority of the people in the crowd would never thank Him, he taught and healed them nonetheless. Some of these people would later shout, “crucify Him”, but He had compassion on them anyway. Jesus did not demand time to grieve, did not ask to be left alone; He simply had compassion for them. He did this not because of their worthiness, He did it because of His goodness.

Jesus knows how you feel. He knows about your financial stress and that you have more bills to pay than money to pay them. Jesus knows about the stress caused by your over burdened schedule. He knows about the stress in the home, in marriages, and with children. He understands that people tend to take more than they will ever give. Jesus understands.

Come to Him and He will have compassion for you too. Understand this however; His goodness is the result of His character and not your worthiness. Even if you never thank Him, if you walk away from Him after you come to Him, He will have compassion. Let me repeat this one more time; God’s goodness results from His character and not our worthiness.



@ Casa De Alabanza Miami
Sunday, February 21 @ 11AM

