Good Idea, God Idea – Bobby Cruz Jr


Thursday March 3, 2016

Let’s face it! Not all of our ideas are good ideas, and not all of our good ideas are God ideas. The truth is that we have all had some bad ideas over our lifetime. What helps to differentiate between a good idea and a bad one is when we first objectively study and analyze the situation before launching into it. The same is true of a God idea; the way to differentiate between a good idea and a God idea is to objectively study and analyze the situation before launching into it.

God has created everyone on purpose and with a purpose. God has created us on purpose with a purpose to accomplish His purpose. There exists something that you and I need to accomplish that is of eternal value. Therefore, our purpose should be to discover that for which God has created us. Our goal should be to separate our good ideas from God’s purpose for our lives. It is through the process of studying and analyzing our ideas that we learn how to separate a good idea from a God idea. Furthermore, this process also teaches us how to focus that idea.

When Nehemiah set out to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, his initial plan was to restore them to their original specifications. However, after studying and analyzing the wreckage, he refocused his plan and as a result, he altered the specifications. Although Nehemiah’s original idea was a good one, it was not God’s idea of what the new walls would look like. Taking the time to investigate the situation will further clarify and separate a God idea from a good idea.

An objective analysis may lead you to conclude that what you are intending to do is a good idea but not a God idea. If after your analysis, the only thing you can come up with is a handful of facts and a general concern for someone or something, then you have probably come up with a good idea but not an idea you want to focus your entire life on. However, if after a careful investigation and despite the fact that every God-ordained idea will have elements of impossibilities, you feel even more compelled to act, chances are that you have discovered God’s purpose for your life.

If you feel you have a God idea, before you act on it, study and analyze the situation. By engaging in this process, God will confirm to you if it is simply a good idea or a God idea. Is there someone you should speak with? Are there materials that you should read? Is there a location you need to visit?

Matthew 7:7 NIV

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.