Growing is a life-long process


In an instant a person can deposit their faith in Jesus and become a child of God. In a split second a person can decide to follow Jesus and become a disciple. What you can’t do right away is become a mature Christian. That is a life-long process. And the question is not, where am I in the process? The question is am I in the process?

Being accepted by God has nothing to do with your spiritual disciplines, but it has everything to do with your spiritual growth. Let me explain. The fact that you pray, study Gods word, fellowship and give, doesn’t cause Him to love you any more.
God can’t love you any more and He will never love you any less. The fact that you do these spiritual exercises causes you to become spiritually mature. As long as you are engaged in this process you are a mature Christian, you’re growing. It is when you disengage or neglect your spiritual exercises that you become spiritually immature; you’ve stopped growing.

When it comes to spiritual maturity, it really doesn’t matter where you are in the process or how long you’ve been in the process. The only thing that matters is if you are in the process. Growing is the life-long processes of doing your spiritual exercises.

Bible reading
Ephesians 4:13 NLT

This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.

It is simple, your spiritual growth lasts a lifetime and what’s important is that you are in this process, not where you are in the process.

Heavenly father, I want to be a mature Christian, growing a little bit more each and every day. Help me never to neglect my spiritual exercises.


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