Growing is a matter of trust


Scripture reading
Psalms 52:7-9 (GNT)

“Look, here is someone who did not depend on God for safety, but trusted instead in great wealth and looked for security in being wicked.” But I am like an olive tree growing in the house of God; I trust in his constant love forever and ever. I will always thank you, God, for what you have done; in the presence of your people I will proclaim that you are good.

One of the fiercest battles for believers is the battle of trust. It’s easy to fell safe when our bank accounts are plentiful. A big part of growing is deciding where we will place our bets. Will we bet on money, or will we bet on God? There is no safety outside of the house of God.

Dear heavenly Father, help me not to be deceived by wealth, help me to understand that there is no security apart from your presence.