No guilt



Thursday, July 19, 2018


Hard as it may be to admit, we all suffer from guilt. Some people feel guilt because of what they did while others feel guilt because of what they failed to do. For the most part, guilt is a negative emotion that causes us to feel shame and regret. Guilt paralyses us and keeps us stuck in the past. The more guilt we carry inside the more its negative impact manifests itself on the outside.


There are instances when we can use guilt as a catalyst to seek healing from our hurts or as a catalyst to move past our hang-ups and to break away from our bad habits. For the most part however, guilt is damaging both internally and externally. What is interesting is that guilt in and of itself is not the problem, sin is the problem. Guilt is only a symptom that reminds us that we have been infected by sin. Since guilt is the symptom and not the problem, no matter how much we suppress, ignore, deny, or blame others for it, we cannot get rid of its negative impact. To rid ourselves of guilt we must treat the root cause, which is sin.



  1. Take a personal moral inventory.

Write down all the things you do or neglect to do that cause you to feel guilty, be specific.


  1. Assume responsibility for your faults.

Do not excuse, suppress, or blame others for your faults, own up to them.


  1. Ask God for forgiveness.

Now, take all your sins and faults to God and ask Him to forgive you. He promises to forgive and cleanse you from all your sins.


  1. Confess your faults to another person.

This is definitely the hardest of all the steps but it is essential. When we ask God to forgive us He cleanses us from our sins, but when we confess our sins to others, the Bible says that God heals us from our sin. Just make sure you select the right person. Never choose a person of the opposite sex to confess to and choose someone you know you can trust and who will listen to your confession without judging you.


  1. Forgive yourself as God has forgiven you.

All that remains is to accept God’s forgiveness and to forgive yourself the same way that God has forgiven you. How does God forgive us? His forgiveness is immediate, free, and complete.


It is through the gift of God that our sins are forgiven and it is through obedience to God’s word that we are cleansed and healed from the harmful effects of sin. There is no need for personal sacrifices; Christ’s sacrifice is all we need.


Just think how much more the blood of Christ will purify our consciences from sinful deeds so that we can worship the living God. For by the power of the eternal Spirit, Christ offered himself to God as a perfect sacrifice for our sins. Hebrews 9:14 NLT