Helping Others



Tuesday May 2, 2017


Unfortunately no one is perfect; no sooner are we born and we begin to develop some bad habits and character defects. Unfortunately in life, we will get hurt and we will hurt other people. Fortunately however, God wants to use our experiences, especially the negative ones to help others. God never wastes the negative experiences in our lives.


Why would a loving God allow bad things to happen?


It was never God’s intention for bad things to happen to us. It has always been God’s intention that we would have a relationship based on love. However, in order for there to be genuine love, both parties have to choose to voluntarily enter into a relationship. Therefore, when God created us, He gave us free will to explore the sinful side of life. Unfortunately, once sin enters our lives, with it comes hang-ups, bad habits, and much pain. Nonetheless, as I previously stated, because God has chosen to love us, He never wastes the negative experiences in our lives.


God uses our negative experiences to:


  • Get our attention.


Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways.

– Proverbs 20:30 TEV


  • Cause us to depend on Him.


When life is good we have the tendency to forget God. However, when life is falling apart we tend to look to God. Even those who walk apart from God pray when they are going through distress. In my life, negative experiences are a constant reminder of my need to depend totally on a loving and graceful Heavenly Father.


God wants to use our negative experiences to make us happy.


An important step in choosing happiness is to allow God to use our negative experiences to help others. We were not created to be selfish, we were created to love and to be loved. Love however is a verb requiring unselfish action. Furthermore, because God loves us, He has healed and comforted each of us in different areas in our lives so that we can share our story with others. Few things can cause us more happiness than to see God use our negative experiences to bless and to help others.


[God] who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT




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