I Got This

As we experience a worldwide pandemic almost everyone is telling us, “don’t fear everything is going to be ok”. But at what cost? Because when you ask the same people, how this pandemic is going to end no one can give you a definitive answer. Actually, they have no answer. What we know is that this pandemic will eventually come to an end. But, how do we not fear when the people working on the problem don’t fully understand the problem? Well, in spite of the uncertainties I too would like to be part of the chorus of people saying, don’t fear. But not because of what’s happening but rather because of who’s happening. 

After a long day of work Jesus asked his disciples to get into a boat to crossover to the other side of the lake. As they sailed Jesus fell asleep and when they had traveled deep into the lake, suddenly a huge storm came up threatening to sink the boat. The disciples many of whom were experts at navigating this particular lake, after battling the storm for some time realized that they were in great danger. So, they went to look for Jesus and found him fast asleep, but they woke him up and said, “Master, Master, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?” Jesus woke up rebuked the winds and the waves and the waters became as smooth as glass. Then he said to his disciples:

“Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” – Mark 4:40-41 

The disciples had been with Jesus for some time, they heard him speak and even saw him do miracles. But when Jesus calmed the storm their fears over what was happening gave in to the terror over who was in the boat with them. In the midst of any storm we should always act responsibly, but you’ll need someone to replace something. Because when your faith in Jesus is greater than your worries over what could happen your fears will disappear. So, in the midst of what is causing you to fear there’s a who that’s saying, look at me I got this. So don’t fear everything is going to be ok.