I live for you, I’ll die for you, I’ll dedicate my life to you…. I love you, money


1 Timothy 6:10 NIV
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

We live in a world that prioritizes money above almost all else. Most wars are started because of money. There are all kinds of health and mental problems because of money. There are all kinds of family quarrels, separations and divorces because of money. Our court system and our jails are full of people because of money. People lie, cheat, steal and commit crimes because of money. Money truly has the potential to complicate our lives. What’s ironic is that money in and of itself is not bad, what is bad is the love of money.

Matthew 6:21
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Did you know that God is not interested in your money? If you listen to many of today’s preachers you would think that God’s greatest interest is your money. Do you want to know what God’s greatest interest is? God is interested in your heart. If we could have a moment of total honesty, most Christians love and serve money more than they love and serve God. We have many Christian organizations dedicated almost exclusively to teaching how to have more and more money. Money is not the goal. Something more valuable is the goal … your heart.

In the verse that we just read Jesus tells us that our hearts will follow where our money goes. Let’s read it again, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. If you want to know whom your hart belongs to, just follow the money. God knows more than you and me and God also knows that we will never truly surrender our hearts to him if we’re not willing to surrender our money to him. Do you really believe that God should have your heart? Then, the more we invest our money into God’s kingdom the more our heart will be in Gods kingdom. The more we surrender our money to God the more our hearts will move towards God. The more God has our heart the simpler life becomes.

Heavenly father,
I want to live for you, I want to die for you and I want to dedicate my life to you. Help me to use the money you’ve blessed me with as a tool to draw my heart closer and closer to you each day.