In the Beginning

You are the living story of your origins. Who you are today has not only been determined by your actions but also by the actions of your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and can ultimately be traced all the way back to the Garden of Eden where it all began. And even though the past can seem so detached and distant, you are the offspring of the past and you are God’s creation. 

In the beginning God created and said it is good. And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he made him; male and female he made them and God blessed them. And God saw everything that he had made, and it was very good.

 Genesis 1:27

Discovering the story of our origins can teach us not only who we are but more importantly who we were created to be. You are God’s prized creation, created in His image and His likeness. As God stood back and looked over everything He created and He said, “It’s good” but when He created man and woman He said, “it’s very good”.  And before they had done anything, He blessed them. They had not done a single good deed to earn God’s blessing. God did not bless them because of who they were He blessed them because of who He is. 

From the very beginning God displayed grace by creating you in His likeness and image, and by granting mankind governorship of all of creation. No matter how disconnected or distant the past may be you cannot divorce yourself from your origins. And if you were to fully embrace your origins it will impact who you are today but more importantly who you will become tomorrow, because you are the living story of your origins.