The world is a pretty messed up place. Who’ s responsible for this mess? Well, that depends on whom you ask. The Chinese say that it’s the fault of the American’s and they say that it’s the Chinese who are at fault. The Middle East says it’s the Western World’s fault and obviously the West says that it’s the Middle East’s fault. South America blames North America and North America blames South America. Domestically the left blames the right, the right blames the left, and the independents’ blame everybody. So, who’s responsible for the mess? Like me you probably look at the complexity of the problem and say, “I’m not sure who’s responsible for this mess but there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s not me.” 

In the beginning the world was perfect, there was neither death nor pain. Then God created Adam and Eve and the first thing God did was to bless them and to assign them the responsibility of taking care of all creation. And after making them responsible, he gave them only ONE rule, only one law to obey. God told them you can eat of all of the trees of the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because the day you eat of it death will enter into the world and there will be a great big mess. 

One day Eve was talking to the serpent and the serpent deceived her and she ate from the tree she was not supposed to eat from. Then, she gave Adam the fruit so that he could taste it and Adam ate too. And suddenly sin and death entered Gods’ perfect creation and there was a great big mess. 

God called Adam and asked Him, who’s responsible for this mess? Adam said, Eve, she made me eat. Then God asked Eve, are you the one responsible for this mess? To which Eve answered, not me it’s the serpent’s fault. So now there’s a great big mess in Gods’ perfect creation but no one is responsible. 

Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.  Galatians 6:4-5 NIV