



Thursday June 21, 2018



A gain or recurrent benefit usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor.


In his generation, Moses was among the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world. Although he was born to humble Hebrew parents, he grew up in the royal court as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. Egypt at the time was the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world. Growing up as the grandson of the Pharaoh, Moses never had to worry about his income; he lacked nothing. At the age of forty however, following a failed attempt to protect the Hebrew people from the abuse they endured as slaves, he was forced to give up his benefits and run for his life. Far from home and the privileges of a limitless income he had to create a new life for himself. The now former Prince of Egypt who once lived in the palace with unlimited income now lived in the wilderness tending to someone else’s sheep.


One day, as Moses was tending to Jethro’s sheep, the man whose daughter he married, God appeared to him and said, I’ve seen the misery and the suffering of my people enslaved in Egypt. I am going to do something about it, are you ready for this? Moses, in essence answered, been there, done that, and as you can see it did not go well for me. God in turn asked Moses, what is that in your hand? A staff answered Moses. God instructed Moses to throw it to the ground and when he did it became a snake. God then told Moses to pick it up and when he did it turned right back into a dry piece of wood. God was telling Moses, I know you tried as Prince to use your identity, influence, and income to help my people, and I know it was not enough. But, if you give me what you have in your hand, I will make it come alive. If however you hold on to it, it will remain a dead piece of wood.


In our culture, the goal is to create income equality. However, in God’s world, equality has never been the target. With God it is not about how much you have, it is all about what you do with what you have. For Moses, the staff was his source of income. When he had a limitless source of income, he wasn’t able to accomplish his heart’s desire. But, when he surrendered to God his miniscule and limited income, God used it to liberate millions of people who were living in slavery for hundreds of years. With God, it is not the amount that counts, it is not financial equality that he is looking for; God is looking for people who trust him enough to surrender to him whatever it is that they have in their hands. God is able to do more with a person who has a shepherd’s limited income yet who trusts him than he can do with a Prince who lives in a palace trusting his unlimited income.


What is in your hands?


So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:31-33 NIV