Is it good?

When we hear bad news, our initial reaction is to hope that it’s not true. If a co-worker were to tell you, “I heard that we’re not getting get paid this week,” your initial reaction would be to think or say: “I hope that’s no true”. Afterwards you would seek to find out if it’s true or not. But the opposite is also true; when we hear good news our initial reaction is to hope that it is true. If a co-worker were to tell you, “I heard that were all getting a Christmas bonus this year, your initial reaction would be to think or say: “I hope it’s true,” then find out if it’s true.

When the birth of Jesus took place, from the very beginning it was announced as good news of great joy for everyone. And, although Jesus had not spoken a single word yet, his message was announced as good news that would bring great joy to everyone, to the Jews and non-Jews, to the rich and to the poor and for those who were good people and even those who were not good. So, the question is, is it good news for everyone? If the answer is yes, then why do so many people reject Christianity? 

Perhaps people reject Christianity because they’ve received a distorted or religious view of Christianity. They don’t think that Christianity is good for the world. Maybe it’s a political view that states that Christianity is exclusive to a certain group of people. Others perhaps think that their behavior disqualifies them from being recipients of the good news. But again, Christianity was announced from the very beginning as good news of great joy for everyone. 

On the night that Jesus was born the angel of the Lord announced,

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. – Luke 2:11 NIV

Is this good news? Is it good news for the world, is it good for you? I suppose it would be but only if you believed you needed a savior. Let me give you the bad news first, God’s standard is perfection, are you perfect? If not, then you need a savior. And since no one is perfect, we all need a savior. So, the good news for everyone is that God came into this world, not to belittle or condemn the world but rather to save the world. 

That’s why we say, Merry Christmas to all, because this is good news of great joy for everyone.