It’s your choice



Friday August 10, 2018


Everyone, no matter where they were born or what they believe wants to be happy. I would guess that what impacts your life decisions more than anything else is your desire to be happy. Happiness however will not fall out of the sky because happiness is a series of voluntary and willing choices.



It’s the Reality Choice


It is the choice to admit that you have hurts, hang-ups, and habits that get in the way of your happiness. It is the choice to own up to your faults and admit that while you might be able to overcome some of them, others are simply out of your control.


It’s the Hope Choice


It is the choice to earnestly believe in the existence of God, that He cares about you, and that He has the power to help you. After all, He created and programmed you to be happy.


It’s the Commitment Choice


It is the choice to consciously commit every area of your life and will to God’s care and control. God not only programmed you to be happy, He also knows exactly how to lead you to happiness.


It’s the Choice to Clean House


It is choosing to openly and honestly examine your life and confess your faults to God and someone you can trust.


It’s the Transformation Choice


It is to willingly submit to every change God wants to make in your life and to humbly ask Him to correct all of your character defects.


It’s the Relationship Choice


It is the choice to examine all of your relationships and offer forgiveness to those who have hurt you. It is the choice to ask forgiveness from those who you have hurt and make amends for the harm you may have caused.


It’s the Growth Choice


It is choosing to schedule daily quiet time with God for self-examination, Bible reading, and praying, that God would give you the wisdom to know His will for your life and the power to follow through.


It is the Sharing Choice


Happiness is choosing to recycle your pain by voluntarily yielding to God to be used to bring the good news of hope, salvation, and happiness to others as you tell them what God has done in your life.