Light of the World – Bobby Cruz Jr.


Wednesday February 24, 2016

“On purpose, God gave me a satanic priest to be my father. On purpose, God placed me in the womb of a witch. His purpose was for me to bring the message of salvation to my mother and father. What would my life be without purpose? My purpose is to share the good news of Jesus with everyone.” Nicky Cruz

Evangelist Nicky Cruz could not understand why God chose or allowed him to be born in such difficult circumstances. His parents mentally and physically abused him. His mother would tell him: “I don’t know why you were born you’re a son of Satan”. At the age of 15, his parents sent him to New York City; shortly thereafter, he became a gang leader. Later on, Nicky would have an encounter with Jesus and his whole life turned around.

Nicky was sent to Bible College where he began to learn about God. Nicky went from being a child who thought he would never reach the age of twenty to one who had hope for a better life, for a marriage, and for the family he never had. Now, Nicky was able to see his divine purpose, he would become a productive member of society, a good husband, a good father, and a good man. Little did he know that God had greater plans for his life. Little did he know that the horrible circumstances of the past were God’s way of positioning him to be a light to the world. Nicky went on to forgive his parents and God indeed did use him to bring salvation to his mom and dad. It did not stop there however. Nicky has since reached millions of people throughout the world for Jesus and continues to do so to this very day.

God’s purpose for your life will far exceed anything you could ever dream or imagine. As you pursue God’s plan for your life, be it being a good spouse, parent, being the right person, building a ministry or a business, God will be doing something unbeknownst to you. He has strategically placed you in this world to draw people unto Himself. God’s ultimate objective is to use your personal achievements as a means to a greater end, the salvation of men and women.

Matthew 5:14-16 NIV

 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

You are a beacon of light in the dark world that surrounds you. Whatever success God allows you is not just for your own sake. There is a divine purpose; God wants to use your life and all its circumstances to gain glory and to draw people to Him.

Heavenly Father, let my light shine before men, that they may see my good deeds and glorify my Father in heaven. Amen


@ Casa De Alabanza Miami