Looking Unto Jesus

In the New Testament we find the book of Hebrews, a book that was written to a group of Jewish men and women who had turned from their Hebrew faith to follow Jesus Christ. Because of their change in faith these men and women were paying a very high price in their culture. The Hebrew establishment decided to close their doors to them. The traditional Jews would not do business with the Christian Jews, they would neither buy nor sell their products to them. In addition, they would not socialize with then nor let their children socialize with them. These Christian Jews were paying a very high price for the decision to follow Jesus. As Christians they had been taught that Jesus would return in their lifetime, but the years would go by with no return sight. As they looked at their circumstances they asked themselves, what good is it to follow Jesus if we’re going to pay such a high price financially and socially? So they began to abandon their Christian faith to go back to their Hebrew faith.

The purpose of the author of the book of Hebrews was to dissuade the Christian Hebrews from abandoning their faith because of the difficult circumstances they were going through. The purpose was to encourage them to establish their faith in who Jesus was and what He had done rather than in their circumstances.

Hebrews 12:1-2

Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

Just like the Christian Hebrews in the first century you and I have the tendency to look at our adverse circumstances and question our faith. And just like them, we are tempted to return to our old ways. In the adversities that we suffer through today the answer remains the same as it was two thousand years ago. Do not look at your circumstances as a confirmation of your faith but rather fix your eyes on Jesus as confirmation of your faith. After all, we are all bad interpreters of circumstances. Some we thought were good turned out bad and some we thought were bad actually turned out to be good. So instead of looking at your circumstances as a confirmation of your faith, fix your eyes on Jesus, the one who dwelt among us, died in our place and later resurrected. Whenever your faith needs reassurance don’t look at your circumstances. Look at Jesus the one who died and resurrected. If he did all that for you and me then we can be sure that He cares for us, that He is watching out for us and that He will return for us too.

It simple, Jesus is the foundation of our faith no matter what is happening in your life.

Lord Jesus, thank you for completing your mission through the most extraordinary act of faith ever… your death on the cross. As I look at my circumstances, your sacrifice strengthens me and lets me know that you are faithful and you are greater than any problem I may encounter.