Love is a Decision

There is no subject matter more prevalent throughout history than love. Love has impacted every person, culture, society, and time-period. More poems, books, songs, and movies have been written about love than any other subject. Love is the central part of our existence. From the moment we are formed in our mother’s womb we are seeking the warmth and security that being loved gives. The reason being is that programmed in each of us is the need to love and to be loved. One would think that with so much history and experience we would all be experts at love by now.  Love however is as mysterious and confusing today as in any other time in history. The mystery is not so much falling in love that is fairly easy. The mystery is being able to stay in love.

The divorce rate says it all.  So many people fall in love and get married but few are able to stay in love. For the many who fall out of love, the problem is that they view love through the prism of their own feelings and emotions. Let’s face it, our feelings and emotions are constantly changing and what is worse, they often get us into a lot of trouble. For this reason love should never be based on our feelings. Instead, we need to understand that love is a choice it is a decision. It is a decision that should never be placed in the hands of our emotions or the emotions that others cause us to feel.

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other.

– John 15:1 2, 16-17

Love is not an emotion – The problem with our emotions is that they constantly get us into trouble. Some of our worst decisions were made based on emotions. To love as Jesus loved is a choice that does not depend on the actions of others; it is not even subject to us being loved by others. To love is always our choice and the decision to love should never depend on the actions or inactions of others. We must decide to love others, those who deserve to be loved and those who do not, simply because our Heavenly Father chose to love us and appointed us to love others, the way He has loved us.

Heavenly Father the love that you showed me in saving me through your Beloved Son is something that I have to remember daily in order to love others as you love me, because there is nothing that you ask me to do that you have not already done for me. Your word says that I was reconciled to you even while I was your enemy. Thank you for teaching me that love is an action and not an emotion. Help me to love as you love. I ask in the name of Jesus, amen.