Mirror, Mirror On The Wall



Monday September 7, 2015

We are all unique. In the entire world, there are no two people alike. No two people have the same fingerprints, combination of facial features, or the same DNA. However, in spite of the fact that we are all different, there is one thing we all have in common; we are all wired with a default setting and it is set on selfishness.

When we were infants, it was “all about me”. I am hungry, I am hot, I am cold… Now we are no longer infants, we are older and wiser but the default drive remains set on selfishness. It is still “all about me”; I want a spouse that makes me happy, a boss who listens to my opinion and friends when I need them. I want a government that serves my interests whether it benefits me or not, and I want a God who can adjust himself to me. It is all about me.

The problem with this “all about me” approach to life is that it does not work. Consider for a moment a family or government with that kind of selfish approach, it simply will not work; this is the reason why there are so many unhappy families and discontent people with their government. Imagine a sports team where all the players’ main concern was self promotion and expression, or a band where all the musicians played each song as if it were their big solo moment; who would want to watch that team or listen to that band? Who would want to join that team or play in that band? Would anybody want to participate in such disharmony? I would say nobody wants to be a part of something like this because we were not made to live this way. We were created to reflect glory not to receive glory.

2 Corinthians 3:18 TLB

We Christians have no veil over our faces; we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord.

This may not be the politically correct thing to say, but we were not created for self-promotion, self-expression, self-centeredness, or self-glory. We were created to reflect the glory of God. When God looks at the center of the universe, sorry to say, He does not see you or me there. The center of all things is reserved for Jesus. Contrary to the way we think and live, we were not made for glory, we were made to reflect Gods glory. Just as the moon reflects the light and glory of the sun, our job is to reflect the glory of the one true God. The moon has no light of it’s own, all it can do is reflect the light of the sun. The moon’s glory is a result of the glory of the sun bouncing off it and our glory is a result of the glory of God bouncing off us.

Our lives are stressful and full of disharmony because we are focused on searching for self-glory. Every time we approach life with that all about me mentality, we leave no hope for harmony. Our life begins to make sense when we step into our role as reflectors of God’s glory. When our lives are no longer about us, and instead become all about Him is when blessings and the hardships of life have true value because they are used to reflect the glory of God. It is important that we ask ourselves how we can shift from a life that is “all about me” to a life where “it is all about God”. We need to ask ourselves how we can move away from being self centered to living a God centered life. The answer is to behold His glory.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. – 2 Corinthians 3:18 NKJ

Heavenly Father, help me to keep this truth front and center every single day of my life and forgive me when I highjack your glory. Thank you for Jesus, who is the center of all things, it’s only when I recognize this truth that my life is in perfect harmony and reflects your glory.