Opportunity Is At The Door

I’m always looking for new and better opportunities, opportunities to do better and to be better. But for me, an opportunity has to fit into a list of specific criteria. I’d like to share a small part of that criteria list with you.

  1. It must adhere to my core values – Any opportunity that forces me to choose between my core values and advancement, is not an opportunity worth taking for me. Who I am and who I’m becoming is the ultimate measurement of success. At the end of my life, just like at the end of most anyone’s life the kind of person you were should far outweigh any other accomplishments.

“A good reputation is better than a fat bank account. Your death date tells more than your birth date.” – Solomon (Ecclesiastes 7:1 MSG)

  1. It must Adhere to my God given calling – Any opportunity that moves me away from my calling to be a follower of Jesus as a son, parent, husband, friend, pastor or as a person is simply not a good opportunity for me. The opportunities worthwhile for me are those which help me to become a better follower of Jesus. I’m always willing to look for new and better strategies but never for a new calling.

“For yourself, concentrate on winning God’s approval, on being a workman with nothing to be ashamed of …” – 2 Timothy 2:15 JBP

  1. It must make sense – The opportunities I look for have to fit my values and my calling; I’m not looking to fit my values and calling into new opportunities. It’s very easy to allow emotions to override common sense. Because of this, every opportunity needs to be evaluated based on its own merits.

 By all means use your judgement, and hold on to whatever is really good, Steer clear of evil in any form. – 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 JBP

Opportunity will knock at your door, choose carefully which ones to allow in.