Over Reaction



Monday September 10, 2018


Your attitude, actions, and reactions are directly connected to the way you think.

Although at times it would not seem like it, there is an actual logic to our attitudes, actions, and reactions. We do not feel a certain way or do things just to do them. On the contrary, our mind is like a computer that has been programmed to filter information then act accordingly. Imagine a computer with a programming glitch; each time you press the number “3”, it registers the letter “E” instead. Unless you go into the operating system to correct the error, each time you press the number “3” you are going to end up with a logical but erroneous result based on reality. The same is true with us. Our mind is our operating system, and the way we think about someone or something will impact our attitude, actions, and reactions towards that person or thing. The problem is that we do have some glitches in our programming that causes us to end up with bad results.


The Renovations Process

Our Heavenly Father wants to take us through the process of renovating our minds in order to correct and remove some of the glitches that lead us to bad results. Although I just compared our minds to a computer, a computer does not have a mind of its own but we do. When it comes to fixing a computer we need to call a technician. However, when we talk about changing and correcting the way we think, our Heavenly Father provides us with the right laws and principles to correct the glitches and install new programming. Its up to us however to decide if we want the renovation. In order to install the new however, we must identify those old ways of thinking, the glitches, the bad, and the misinformation that lead us to erroneous and bad results.


Examine the areas in your life where you tend to overreact.



When we act more strongly than what is necessary and appropriate, this is an indication of a glitch or misinformation in our way of thinking. If you were to examine the thought processes that lead you to overreact, you will find the glitch and or the misinformation that needs to be replaced. When we are in the heat of the moment we overreact; then we feel guilty and ask ourselves, what was I thinking? The answer to that question will reveal the glitch. Behind every overreaction, there is faulty information that needs to be identified and replaced with correct information.


Psalms 139:23-24 NLV

 Look through me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. See if there is any sinful way in me and lead me in the way that lasts forever.