Overwhelming Purpose – Bobby Cruz Jr.



Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Divine Purpose, will always be something that is too big for us to pull off. There will always be more problems than solutions, more questions than answers, and very little to go by. You will encounter far too many obstacles and not enough resources to accomplish it. It would appear as though that which God has purposed for you to do is an impossible task. The difficulty in developing your divine purpose is that the “what” always precedes the “how”; you will get an image of what it is God wants you to do before you ever know how you are supposed to do it.

Nehemiah encountered the precise same situation. He was clear on what God wanted done, however, the sketchy part was how to get it done. Considering his circumstances, there was no way for him to pull off the task. Nehemiah’s mission exceeded his talents, abilities, and resources. He had a problem and it was not that he did not want to do it. Nehemiah’s problem was he did not know how to accomplish it. This dynamic is what makes divine purpose so exciting. Your divine purpose will always require divine intervention; God has the how all worked out. When God birthed His divine purpose in Nehemiah, He had already worked out how He would oversee the project and provide for the necessary resources to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls.

 Philippians 1:3-6 NIV

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

 What God Begins He Finishes

When God places in your heart His purposes, He will always prepare a way for it to happen. It is not up to you to figure out how to execute God’s purpose for your life. Your responsibility is to do everything possible, and then wait on God. We know what Nehemiah did while he waited, he prayed and planned.

Think back on the story of Moses. Do you believe he had a plan to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt? Do you think once Pharaoh released the Israelites that Moses had an exit strategy? Imagine Moses fleeing from the Egyptian army with no military strategy, support, or weaponry. Do you recall Moses plan to run straight into the Red Sea? The Egyptian army was on his tail and the Red Sea was right in front of him. Can you realistically assume that the plan Moses had was to part the Red Sea, cross over, then drown the Egyptian army? I am sure that was not his plan. The good news here is that it was not up to Moses to figure out the how. What God called him to do was all that he needed to know; the how to is always in God’s hands. Thank God because He always finishes what He starts.



@ Casa De Alabanza Miami