Pay Careful Attention




Wednesday February 8, 2017


Whether we realize it or not, our lives are being constantly influenced by the currents of the culture in which we live. From the way we dress to the way we think and act, we are constantly being pulled and dragged by the currents of this world. There is no shortage of designers telling us how to dress, style our hair or put on makeup. There also is no shortage of experts telling us what is socially and politically correct and acceptable. Unless we pay close attention, we will slowly drift and wake up one day asking ourselves, how did I get here? This is when we come to the realization that all our knowledge, beliefs, commitments, and good intentions were not enough to keep us anchored.


We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. – Hebrews 2:1 NIV


Pay Close Attention – Establish Reference Points


When I was young, my parents would take my sisters and I to the beach. I can still remember the first time I entered the waters on my own. I would constantly look up to see if my parents were still there. After a while, I felt more and more confident so I did not pay as close attention. What I failed to realize was, that the currents were moving me little by little towards the left. When I lifted my eyes to look for my parents, I could not find them. Shortly thereafter, I realized that my parents had not moved from where they were, instead the currents had carried me away. From that day on, I learned to establish reference points to guard against the currents. I would focus on two buildings, one to the left of my parents and the other to the right and if I passed either one of them, I would get out of the water and walk back to where I should be.


The same is true in our daily lives; we need to establish reference points in our relationships, finances, morals, ethics, and spiritual lives. If you have no reference points or choose to ignore them, more than likely you will be carried away and will wake up on day and ask, how did I get here.


The author of the Book of Hebrews tells us to pay close attention to what we have heard so that we do not drift away. What he is saying to us is that obedience to the word of God should become our markers. When anything starts to lead us to violate His word, it is time to get out of the waters and head back to where we should be.