Wednesday, August 26

Circumstantial Peace

For most people peace is a byproduct of the creating and maintaining the right circumstances; if there are no wars then there’s peace, if there are no conflicts at home then there’s peace, if there’s a stable job or business then there’s peace, if the body is healthy then there’s peace, in other words for most people peace depends on their ability to create and maintain the appropriate circumstances. But there’s only one problem, we don’t have the ability to do that. You’re enjoying peace and then something causes a war to break out, everything was good at home and suddenly there’s turmoil, there were no financial worries and one day you’re laid off, one day you don’t feel right and days later you’re battling some kind of disease. The problem with circumstantial peace is that it’s not sustainable.

Counterproductive Emotions

In our quest for peace we’ve actually achieved the opposite, we’ve lost our peace because when something or someone changes the circumstances we work so hard to create, it produces counterproductive emotions in us such as:


It’s difficult to be at peace if you’re upset with someone. Anger says: you owe me you stole from me, you hurt me…


You’ll never be at peace as long as you’re jealous. The problem with jealousy is that it is easy to see it in others but so difficult to see in oneself. Jealousy says: God owes me a better family, a better job, better health…


Greed is another one of those emotions that is easier to see in others but harder to see in oneself. Greed says: I owe me. I disserve more. I worked for this, I sacrificed for it…. Greedy people are never at peace.


Guilty people find it impossible to be at peace. Guilt says: I owe you, I stole from you, I hurt you….

True Peace

Galatians 5:22 NLT

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace…

True peace is not the byproduct of controlling and maintaining the right circumstances. True peace is developed through maintaining and developing a growing relationship with God.

The Antidote To Counterproductive Emotions

Peace is not the byproduct of our circumstances; peace is the byproduct of our relationship with God. And peace is the antidote to those counterproductive emotions that rob us of our peace.


When you’re at peace you can forgive those who you are angry with. Now you can say to them, you don’t owe me anymore.


When you’re at peace you can celebrate what others have. Now you can say, God doesn’t owe me anything.


When you’re at peace you’re free to give. Now you can say, I don’t owe myself, I’m content when I have what I want and when I don’t have what I want.


When you’re at peace you’re free to confess. Now you can say, I’m forgiven, I don’t owe you anymore.

Heavenly Father, your Holy Spirit makes me free to live at peace with myself, with others, and especially with you, for my peace does not depend on the circumstances that surround me but on my intimate relationship with you. Thank you for this fruit of the Holy Spirit which is so important for my life.

New Series / Sunday, August 30

New Devotional / Monday, August 31