



Wednesday, January 17, 2017


I had the privilege some years ago of meeting the famous music producer David Foster. I remember asking him about his work with singer Celine Dion and her sold-out Vegas show with Cirque du Solei. Towards the end of our brief encounter he graciously said to me, “here let me give you the phone number to my office in Las Vegas and if you are ever in town, call this number and we will arrange tickets for you”.  Several weeks later I just happened to be in Vegas with my oldest son. I attempted to purchase tickets to the show but none were available.  So, I called David’s office hoping they could help. After a brief introduction, one of his assistants told me tickets would not be a problem, they had front row seats or seats in front of the sound engineer, which ones did I want? Of course I wanted front row seats but I was feeling a little embarrassed about choosing the front row so I politely asked, which ones do you recommend? The assistant told me that the seats in front of the sound booth were the best in the house if I wanted to fully experience the show. I thankfully accepted the advice and the tickets and all I can say is that the experience was amazing. While everyone in the theater experienced the show, my son and I experienced it from the best vantage point.


The same is true when it comes to our relationship with God. Many believers experience God while listening to a message or Gospel music, or while they drive their cars or perform their routine chores. Others experience God exclusively on Sunday or during special occasions and there is nothing wrong with that. However, what many believers fail to know is that God has the best seats in the house, strategically positioned, that are reserved for us so that we can experience Him in ways that we otherwise could not from a different vantage point.


But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 

Matthew 6:6 NIV


When we seek God it isn’t enough to just schedule the appropriate time, we also need to find the appropriate place; we need to go into our “sacred space” and close the door. That sacred space is different for each of us; there are those who connect with God in a small dark room and others connect with Him in nature. I know of people who pray in a closet, at a lake, at their desk, and even in their bathrooms. There are those who dim the lights while others light candles, some pray under the stars, others when the sun rises. Some play praise music in the background and others seek total silence. The time, place, and setting are different for each but for each it is the place where they experience God the best.


Once you’ve scheduled your time to pray you must also select the best place to pray.

  1. Select the place where you feel most safe and comfortable.
  2. Create the environment that helps you to focus on God.



  1. Do you have a specific place where you encounter God?
  2. Where is it that you best encounter God?
  3. Where do you feel most comfortable praying?
  4. What can you do to create an environment that will help you to connect with God?



Dear God, please help me to identify that sacred space, that ideal and optimal vantage point, so that I may sit in the best seat which you have reserved for me, where I may encounter and connect with you in ways unimaginable.  Amen