


Friday, July 10

Power is something everyone has, some have more and some less, but we all exercise a certain amount of it. Whether you are a parent, a manager, an employee, a coach, police officer, whatever your career or position in life may be, you have power.

As our lives change, so does the power we have. In some areas of life we gain power as our lives change and in others we lose it. The interesting aspect of this is that regardless of how much power you have, at some point you will have to give it all up. The reason being, we will all have to stand before God one day and give Him account as to how we used our power. If we believe this, then we should ask God how He wants us to exercise the power we have.

Philippians 2:5-8 NIV

In the world we live in, most powerful people lack humility and most humble people lack power. However, when power and humility come together extraordinary things happen. Jesus being God in a human body and possessing amazing power, was the perfect example of how power should be used. He was a man of incredible humility who voluntarily humbled himself and used His power to benefit others.

Amazing Power

When Jesus died on the cross and three days later resurrected, He demonstrated for all His amazing power. Yet, when He lived among us on earth, He never used His power for His own sake. Jesus never demanded to be served or for people to follow Him even though He was God. Jesus always used His power for the benefit of others.

Extraordinary Humility

Jesus’ death on the cross was an amazing display of humility. Jesus not only came to earth as the most powerful man ever, He also came as the most humble one too. Jesus not only served mankind voluntarily, He gave His life for us as a demonstration of His incredible humility.

What Are You Going To Do With Your Power?

Do you know what Jesus did with His Power? He used it to benefit others. Imagine what the world would look like if those of us who call ourselves followers of Jesus would use our power to benefit others instead of using it for self-gain. Imagine what the display of power and humility would look like when applied to our neighbors, churches, friends, and in our families, think of the effect we could have. Great and extraordinary things happen when power and humility are combined. God has given you a certain amount of power. What are you going to do with your power.

All power has been given to us by God to be used with humility to benefit others