Pray for Purpose – Bobby Cruz Jr.



Thursday February 18, 2016


Without God, life is purposeless and makes no sense. However, your life has profound significance. There is a God who created you for a divine purpose. As I have written in the past, discovering our purpose is often a difficult task. Perhaps this is the reason for so many self-help books suggesting ways to discover our purpose. Most of these are written from a self-centered point of view. Our purpose however, is not found in our personal ambitions; it is found in God’s objectives. Therefore, self-help books might help you with your personal ambitions but will never help you discover or develop your divine purpose.

The Bible teaches us that we are created by God for God. Who then, is better able to answer our questions about our purpose than God himself, our Creator is? Praying is a critical tool when developing and discovering our divine purpose. So, what is the right way to pray and what should we be praying for?

First, pray “thy will be done”.

Often times we ask God to bless what we are doing. Instead, we should be asking Him to allow us to do what He is blessing. Jesus taught that prayer should begin with God’s will and not our own. After all, purpose is found in Him and not in us.

Second, pray for opportunity.

 O Lord, please hear my prayer! Listen to the prayers of those of us who delight in honoring you. Please grant me success today by making the king favorable to me. Put it into his heart to be kind to me.” In those days I was the king’s cup-bearer. – Nehemiah 1:11 NLT

Nehemiah wanted an opportunity to address the King of Persia concerning his desire to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. There was no logical reason why the King of Persia would grant Nehemiah’s request to rebuild the walls. However, Nehemiah dedicated himself to prayer. The Bible tells us that he fasted for days. Notice that Nehemiah did not pray for a miracle, he prayed for an opportunity. Let us say for example, that your heart is aching for friends and family who do not know Jesus as their champion. Do not simply pray for them. Pray that God would give you an opportunity to share the good news with them. Nehemiah did not ask God for supernatural intervention. Nehemiah simply prayed that God would give him the opportunity to share with the King that which broke his heart.

Third, pray for favor.

 Nehemiah prayed for favor before the King. Except for God’s intervention, there is no way the Kings heart would be inclined to allow Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. When Nehemiah presented his vision to the King, not only did he grant him permission he also funded the vision.

Prayer will transport your divine purpose well beyond the realm of human possibilities. Prayer makes the impossible, possible.

@ Casa De Alabanza Miami

Sunday, February 21 @ 11AM