Profit and Loss



Monday August 20, 2018


“When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost something is lost; when character is lost, everything is lost”. Billy Graham


I am of the persuasion that the governmental system of the United States of America has been the best system in the history of the world, one nation under God by the people and for the people. However, even the best system in the world is entirely dependent on the character and integrity of those who run it. In our nation and around the world there is a great deficiency of character. Furthermore, as Evangelist Billy Graham stated, “ when character is lost everything is lost”.


Where does one go to buy character? There are industries dedicated to making us look and feel better; just look at all the products sold in malls, but there are no stores selling character. The reason for this is that very few people want to buy character. Our culture prioritizes achievements and fulfillment over character and integrity. Our society measures success based on wealth and achievements and gives little to no value to the pursuit of character. For this we are paying a heavy price. We are winning at business but losing at home. The lack of achievements is not destroying our families; it is the lack of character. The lack of prosperity is not destroying our society but the lack of character sure is.


Proverbs 11:1 NIV

 The Lord detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with him


It is important that we believers understand that God detests dishonesty. The word detests actually means to be disgusted, and dishonest scales disgust God. The problem is that often time dishonest scales do not disgust us. We only get disgusted when things do not favor us but we love it when they do. If a mistake is made and we are overcharged for a product or service, we get disgusted. However, if a mistake is made in our favor, we say “thank you Jesus”. The truth is that the Lord detests dishonest scales when they are unjustly inclined against us or in our favor.


The other side of this coin is that God favors accuracy or better yet, he delights in honesty. Imagine God’s delight in you as you dedicate yourself to becoming a person of character. Imagine as you commit to integrity, having His favor come upon you. When character is lost, everything is lost, but when character is gained, everything is gained.