Pure Joy



Thursday, April 12, 2018



Eddie Murphy, in the movie “Coming to America”, plays the role of Prince Akeem Joffer, heir to the throne of Zamunda. His parents, the King and Queen, present him with a pre-arranged bride to be; someone he had never met before and who would obey his every command. Akeem, upon hearing this news, concocts a plan to travel to the United States to find himself a bride. He wanted an independent woman that he could love and respect and who would love and respect him for who he is and not for his position and wealth. Upon arriving in the United States, Akeem moves into a poor neighborhood, rents an apartment and takes on a job at a fast food restaurant. Shortly after starting his job, he falls in love with Lisa, daughter of the restaurant owner but he never reveals to her his true identity.


It is funny how the disciples spent so much time with Jesus, yet they never really knew who He was. They heard Him preach like no one had ever spoken to them before and they saw Him perform all sorts of miracles and healings. He liberated the demon possessed, fed thousands with just a few baskets of bread and fish… However, it was not until they found themselves in a boat in the middle of a storm that threatened their lives that they finally recognized who Jesus really was.


Matthew 14:33 NIV

 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”


Imagine seeing all those miracles yet the disciples never worshipped Jesus. They heard all those sermons and they never recognized Jesus as the Son of God. It was not until the day they were in the storm and Jesus came to them walking upon the waters to rescue them that they finally came to the realization as to who Jesus was. Notice that neither the sermons nor the miracles opened their eyes as to who Jesus was. The eyes of the disciples were opened as a direct result of their encounter with Jesus.


Lessons from the Storm:

You will not fully worship Jesus until the testing of your faith leads you to recognize Him for who He truly is.

This is why James says that WE should consider it pure joy whenever WE face any kind of trial, because the testing of our faith produces endurance. The end result of perseverance leads us to be mature and complete, lacking nothing.