Ready, Set, Go – Bobby Cruz Jr.


Tuesday March 15, 2016


God created you with a divine purpose. A big part of that purpose is for you to become part of the solution to a specific problem. Not just any problem! God wants you to play a role in solving the problem that concerns Him. However, before you can do so, you must be able to answer the following questions: What is the problem? What is the solution? Why does it need to be done now?


When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, the problem was obvious, the walls were in ruins, and the people lived in disgrace. The solution was also obvious; the walls needed rebuilding; therefore, let us rebuild the walls. However, Nehemiah knew that describing the problem and offering the obvious solution was not enough. If it were so, they would have already fixed the problem. Therefore, Nehemiah gave them a reason: let us rebuild so that we no longer have to live in disgrace. One would think that Nehemiah provided enough incentive and information to get the people to act. Nehemiah however, makes sure to give them reason for why this endeavor required immediate attention.


Nehemiah 2:18 NIV

I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me. They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So they began this good work.


More than likely, Nehemiah shared with the people how this burden was birthed in his heart. It is likely, he explained to them that in his capacity as cupbearer to the King of Persia, the chances of him accomplishing anything on behalf of Jerusalem were slim to none. I am certain he shared with the people how he, with great fear, addressed the King concerning his mission and how to his amazement, the King not only granted him permission he supplied him with all the resources to complete the task. When it comes to God’s divine purpose for your life, the divine aspect brings the answer to the question of why it needs to be done now. Nehemiah ‘s presence in combination with his story was the catalyst to get the people saying, “let us start rebuilding”.