
In the physical and geographical world, the direction in which you’re walking will determine your destination. It’s not your intentions or your hopes and dreams that will determine your destination, it’s the road you choose to travel. The same is true in every area of your daily life, that where you end up relationally, morally, financially and in every area of your life will be determined by the roads you choose to travel.

If you’re a workaholic that’s a road with a pre-determined end, you’ll end up having achieved some career or financial goal but you’ll also end up disconnected from your family. If you’re a big spender and use credit to support your lifestyle the end of that road is called stress, and perhaps even bankruptcy. In every area of your life, the direction you choose to walk in will determine your destination. The problem is that when it comes to our personal lives we think that we can cheat or override the law of the path, that direction, not intention determines the destination.

There are many well-intentioned people who wake up one day and ask: how did I get here? How did I end up in financial ruin, with a broken family, feeling empty and depressed? The answer is simple, the path you chose has to lead you to where you are. Oftentimes people fall so in love with the journey that they hardly ever ask, where does the road end? Because every road has a pre-determined end.

If you want to know if you’re heading in the right direction, just slow down and look at the signs on the road. But don’t just ask yourself, where am I? Ask yourself, if I keep traveling down this road, where will I be tomorrow or the next day?  It may be time to recalculate, it may be time to find the first exit ramp or it may be time to turn around.

“I am the way and the truth and the life.” – Jesus