Seeing It Through – Bobby Cruz Jr


Friday, April 15, 2016

Were you aware, that God created you on purpose, and with a divine purpose? Did you know that every aspect of your life is extremely important to Him? For Him, nothing about your life is unimportant. His plan and purpose for your life includes both your spiritual and your earthly life; it includes all of your relationships, friends, family, and even your enemies. It also includes your health, finances, job, your hopes and even your dreams. Your successes, your failures, everything about your life are included in His plan and purpose. Nothing is insignificant about your life; He created you to realize something that is of eternal value for Him.


Nehemiah’s life, clearly exemplifies this; because of his situation, when it concerned God’s eternal purpose, he thought his life was insignificant in the grand scheme of things. However, God had placed him in the right place at the right time in order to fulfill His eternal plan. I say eternal, because little did Nehemiah know, some four hundred years later, Jesus the Son of God and Savior of the world would walk through the doors of the walls he and the people rebuilt. Nehemiah thought he was working on something that was for a specific time and place, but what he did not know, was that everything he was doing figured into the eternal plan of God.


Who You?

If you think it is hard to conceive that God created you with His divine purpose in mind, believe me, it is just as hard if not harder for others to believe that God has chosen you for a purpose! When Nehemiah heard of the City of Jerusalem and how it lay in ruins and how something needed to be done about it, he said: “at that time I was the cupbearer to the King”. What he was implying was: who me? Eventually, God opened the doors and through divine intervention, Nehemiah found himself in Jerusalem rebuilding the walls. However, once he arrived and summoned the people, not everyone was onboard with him and many even criticized and mocked him. In other words they were saying: who you?


God Help Us!

The best way to rid yourself of doubt and to silence your critics is to see God’s divine purpose for you life all the way through to completion. To eliminate all of your doubts and those who doubt you, you must see His purpose for every aspect of your life to completion.


Nehemiah 6:15-16 NIV

So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days.16 When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.


Do not allow anyone or anything to distract you, especially when you are walking in God’s divine purpose. The day will come, when your biggest doubts and even your biggest doubters will find it hard to explain what God has done in and through you. Even Nehemiah’s critics lost all self-confidence when they realized that it was with the help of God that Nehemiah accomplished the work.