Seeking Direction

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say things like: “I have a decision to make, I’ve prayed about it, I’ve searched God’s word and I can’t seem to find the answer. The problem is that time is not on my side and I need to decide now. How do I discover God’s will for my life?”

The good news is that your Heavenly Father wants you to discover His will for your life. Today I’d like to tell you about a basic principle that God has given us in order to discover His will for our lives, especially when we need an answer right now and can’t seem to find it in the Bible. The principle I want to tell you about is so obvious that you may be inclined to ignore it, but it’s so powerful that many wise men have used it and it has led to great success while many others have ignored it and ended up failing.

When you need to make a decision, and you can’t seem to discover your Heavenly Fathers will it’s possible that one or both of the following factors are present in your life. First, the decision you’re about to make is so froth with emotions that you’re not able to see clearly. And second, the decision you’re about to make goes beyond your knowledge and abilities. When this happens you need to learn to seek advice even if you don’t think that your emotions are an obstacle in your decision-making and even if you think that you have enough knowledge to make the decision on your own. If you have to ask yourself, what does God want me to do? You need to learn to ask for advice.

Proverbs 15:22 NLT

Plans go wrong for lack of advice;many advisers bring success.

When seeking advice one of the biggest mistakes people make is to choose the wrong person or persons to advise them. So I want to give you some advice on how to choose the best people to add as advisors in your life.

First, Choose someone who has nothing to loose by telling you the truth. Sometimes family and friends are not the best choice because they tend to be emotionally involved and may even have something to loose if they tell you the truth.

Second, Choose someone who is where you want to be. At times we want to seek advice from those walking with us, when we should rather seek advice from those who are where we want to be. Find the person who has achieved or done what you want to do and ask them for advice.

And third, seek advice from multiple people. Maybe choose a person you know but also choose a person you don’t know as long as it’s a person who has the knowledge and the experience to advise you. In chapter 11 verse 14 of the book of proverbs Solomon said: “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers”. So don’t just seek advice from one person because success is found among many advisors.

Choosing the right advisors is important, but the questions you will ask them can be equally important. So now I’ll suggest a couple of questions you might want to ask when seeking advice.

First question you might want to ask is: Are my options aligned with God’s principles and laws? If you’ve chosen the right advisors they probably know more about God’s providential and moral will than you do. And the one thing we know is that God will never ask you to break His principles and laws to accomplish His will in your life.

And second, what is the wise choice? There can be many choices that you can make, but you don’t just want a good choice you want to make the wise choice. A good choice is the one that is right as opposed to what is wrong. A wise choice is the best one among all of the possible right choices.

It’s SIMPLE, when you need to know God’s will for your life and the reading of His words doesn’t seem to help, it’s time to ask for advice.

Heavenly Father, I want to make wiser decisions in my life … decisions that are aligned with your will. I recognize that I don’t know it all and that I don’t always judge things correctly. Help me to find the right people who will counsel me according to your Word and your leading.