Separate to Dedicate




Thursday June 6, 2018


I cannot state it enough; the most important factor in your life is the ability to hear God’s voice. There will be times when your life is full of difficulties and uncertainties. There will be times in your life when you will feel as though everyone has abandoned you and that nobody cares. It is in times like these when you most need to hear God speak to you. The great news is that it is in times like these that God most wants to speak to you.


On the third day Abraham looked up and sawthe place in the distance.  He said to his servants, “Stayhere with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.” – Genesis 22:4-5 NIV


Three days have gone by since Abraham started his journey. My guess is that this had to have been the most difficult and painstaking three days of his entire life. In obedience to God, Abraham was about to sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering. The pressure must have reached epic proportions; nothing could have been more difficult. I imagine Abraham on the verge of a nervous breakdown; just a few more steps and he would be facing the task of doing the unthinkable. If Abraham ever needed to hear God’s voice, this was the time.


Listening to God will require separation, the higher the pressure, the more the need to separate. Abraham was just steps away from sacrificing his son in obedience to God. God however had a plan for Abraham. God was about to do something at this point in order for Abraham to be able to listen to his voice. This was going to require that Abraham leave his servants and donkey behind. There comes a time in life when some people, regardless of what they have done for you in the past, will have to be left behind. There will come a time when you will feel as though everyone has abandoned you just when you needed them the most. There will come a time when the closer you get to God, the smaller the crowd becomes. There comes a time when there is no one around to encourage you or to walk with you. In that moment you will feel as though everyone has abandoned you, but it is then when God is getting ready to speak to you. That is the moment when God is about to intervene in your life. You cannot stop now! Go ahead and take the next few steps towards God because something good is about to happen.


“Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” – Jesus (Matthew 28:20 NLT)