Serve | Day 11

Everyone serves; the only question is who or what is it they serve? Some people serve money. They live, breathe, and think about it every day. Others because of money serve their financial institution, their banks, credit cards, or credit unions. King Solomon said that “the borrower is a slave to the lender. Some are slaves to sports, while others are slaves to different vices. The truth is that we all serve someone or something; we’re either self-serving, or we’re others-serving. The people who accomplish and live extraordinary lives understand that serving others and not self is the path to living an extraordinary life.



“If one of you wants to be great, you must be the servant of the rest; and if one of you wants to be first, you must be the slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served; he came to serve and to give his life to redeem many people.” – Mark 10:43-45 GNT

In my estimation Jesus is the greatest and most extraordinary man of all times. He built his brand in only three years and more than two thousand years later his brand has millions of franchises worldwide. And, in its thousands of years of its existence no one has been able to stop it, not threats, persecution or even death. Entire governments, nations, and civilizations have come and gone but the Jesus brand is as strong as ever.

Jesus’ method is so simple that anyone can learn it. It’s so simple that the least among us can apply it and accomplish great things. You don’t need a degree or any formal education. All you need is to be ambitious and humble. Ambitious meaning to have a burning desire to do great things and humble insofar as doing these great things for the purpose of serving and benefiting others. 

In studying the most successful entities of our generation, author Jim Collins discovered that there was a common denominator among all extraordinary entities. What he discovered is that they all exhibited what he calls Level 5 Leadership.

“Level 5 leaders embody a paradoxical mix of personal humility and professional will. They are ambitious, to be sure, but ambitious first and foremost for the company, not themselves.” – Jim Collins Good to Great



In any area of your life that you’d like to accomplish something extraordinary, be it financial, physical, relational or spiritual it’s going to require more than a desire to do so. An extraordinary life is not only the result of ambition it also requires humility. It requires you to ask the question; how can I do something to benefit others? It will require you to ask, how can I serve?



Heavenly Father, it is an honor and a privilege to work on behalf of your kingdom. I want to live an extraordinary life the same way Jesus did. Help me to serve others with humility, help me to lead others with humility, teach me to be a servant like Jesus was. I have ambitions, desires, you know my heart better than I, help me to desire what you desire, to care about the things that you care about, help me to align my goals and ambitions with yours. I want to live an extraordinary life, I want to leave a legacy of greatness behind, and I pray that humility would be the foundation of all that I do so that others would see Jesus in me. Amen