Friday, June 29, 2018


The first step in choosing to be truly and consistently happy is to recognize that the cause of your unhappiness has nothing to do with what is happening around you and everything to do with what is happening inside you. You must admit that you have some hurts, hang-ups, and habits that you have been unable to overcome. The first step in choosing to be happy is recognizing that you are not in control and that God alone is in control. However, you must also recognize that you are important to God and that only He has the power to help you become truly and consistently happy.


The first step in choosing to be happy is to face up to the fact that you are not in control and that only God is in control. The next step is getting God to help you. There is good news, God wants to help you but before He can, you have to first acknowledge and understand God’s character.



  1. You have to acknowledge God’s existence.


Most people do not have a problem acknowledging God’s existence; they have a problem knowing, or acknowledging how much He cares about them. If you fail to realize that God exists and that He cares about you, you will seek happiness by going down dead-end roads.


Anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. – Hebrews 11:6 NIV


  1. You have to understand God’s character.


If you know little to nothing about a person or have a distorted view of them, it is hard to trust them. Fortunately, because God sent His son Jesus to the world some two thousand years ago, we have a better understanding of what God is like. If you want to know what God is like, take a look at Jesus.


From Him (Jesus) who has so much we have all received loving-favor, one loving-favor after another. The Law was given through Moses, but loving-favor and truth came through Jesus Christ. The much-loved Son is beside the Father. No man has ever seen God. But Christ has made God known to us. – John 1: 16-18 NLV


The truth is that God loves you. Jesus stated this when He spoke the following words: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16 NKV)


To choose happiness you must be willing to get help. I am a firm believer in professional help, but I also know that there are areas of our lives where only God is able to help us. The first step in getting help from Him is to acknowledge His existence and to understand that He cares for you and wants to help you recover and be truly happy.