Tuesday June 06, 2017





Everything has a starting point, including our walk of faith. I think back and reflect on the day I began my walk with Christ. It was a simple decision that has impacted my life forever.


Regardless of your background, I do believe everyone has unanswered questions about the faith, I did. I began my search by reading, taking Bible classes, and asking my teachers questions.


This is why I am excited about the new series Starting Point and the impact the series will have on the Church. The truth is that many new Christians do not know where to start regarding their walk. This series will serve as a guideline for the new believer and as a refresher course for the seasoned believer.


As we heard this week, Faith has a starting point that begins with a question: Who is Jesus? The answer lies in what happened after He died: He rose from the dead.




Pray as Paul did in Ephesians 1:17: “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” (NIV)




Our prayer today should focus on asking that God will continue to supply according to the riches of His glory for every financial need in the Church, more specifically within our homes.




Let us pray for our family members that need salvation and for those that need physical healing. We should include members of the Church who are sick, as they are our spiritual family.




Today’s prayer focus is asking that God continues to add new souls to our Church and that more people join the Starting Point course. Let us also pray for the Lord to provide the finances needed for the new Church building.




Continue praying for our Church leaders, especially those that are facilitating the groups for the Starting Point series.




Let us continue interceding for the salvation of our co-workers and/or classmates. More specifically, we should pray that they may see the power of God working in our lives.



Lost Souls

Today, we should focus on praying for continued boldness to speak to the lost souls we meet, asking God to use our lives as a testimony of Jesus Christ.

Robert Cruz Jr.

Bobby Cruz Jr. became Senior Pastor of CDA Miami in 1999, continuing the work that his father, Bobby Cruz began in 1980. Bobby Jr. is an engaging speaker whose passion is to lead people in a growing relationship with Jesus. He has five children and he lives with his wife Ana in Doral, FL.

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