Stress Relief


The more we worry the more we stress. Worries and stress go hand in hand. We spend a lot of money attempting to relieve the stress of the things we worry about. We have stress relieving soaps, shampoos, creams and candles. We have stress relieving spas, and stress relieving vacations. We have stress relieving doctors and medicines. Some have even developed bad habits and addictions in seeking to get relief from stress. The truth is that with so many things to worry about it’s no surprise how stressed out we are. Stress is not always bad. What is bad is chronic stress. Chronic stress will eventually render you ineffective in all that you do and with the people you love.

One of the things that most increases our stress levels is worries. There is so much to worry about. But I want to talk you about a specific area of worries, what I’m convinced is the main category for all of our worries … worrying about what I want and what I need.

When my son was younger any time I would take him to a toy store he would grab a toy and say to me, “I need it!” The truth is that as adults we’re pretty much the same. There is no problem in wanting and desiring things, whether it’s toys, a better job, a car, a house, health, a spouse, a child or a family. The problem is when what you want moves up to the category of “I need”. When wants become needs worries are going to rush in followed by stress. I encounter so many people stressed out because they don’t have what they want/need. We have a whole culture today stressed out about what they want/need.

The problem with “wants” is that the more you have the more you want. Again it’s not bad to want but when wants become needs, I’ll say it again, the more you want the more you need. You buy a house, now you want new appliances and furniture and a matching new car. You have the new house, with new appliances and furniture, now you want a bigger house with a pool. I mean it’s a never-ending highway. But if you don’t satisfy your wants eventually you’re going to stress out. Solomon said in the book of proverbs: “Just as Death and Destruction are never satisfied, so human desire is never satisfied.” It would seem to be that there is no solution, the solution is your Heavenly Father. You see, He created you in such a way that if you got all that you wanted/needed you still wouldn’t be satisfied. He created you to discover that He, your Heavenly Father is the only one who can truly satisfy you. No matter what you have or what you don’t have. Your Heavenly Father is so mighty that He can satisfy you when you have in abundance or when you lack.

Never place your trust on what can be taken away from you. People, places and things can all be taken from you. The one thing that can never be taken from you is your relationship with your Heavenly Father. So look to God to meet all your needs.

That’s why King David declared:

Psalms 23: 1 NIV

1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

It’s simple, don’t place your trust on things that can be taken from you, look to your Heavenly Father to meet your needs.

Heavenly Father, you’re definitely all I need in this life. Nothing else can satisfy me. The things of this world may look good, but they always disappoint. I want more of you today Lord.