The 100 Mille Road


Friday April 13, 2018


We have a tendency to run away from God when we forget His past faithfulness in our lives, and forget the incalculable price He paid for us on the cross. The reason for this is, that when we forget God’s faithfulness, and are confronted with difficult situations, we tend to move away from where He has placed us to a place He never intended for us to be. This is precisely what happened to Elijah, a man to whom God had demonstrated kindness and faithfulness.


During the time when Israel was experiencing a devastating drought, God lead Elijah to a brook to drink water; then He sent a raven to bring him food. When the brook eventually dried up because of the lack of rain, God then sent a widow to supply him with food. This widow lived with her son and she barely had enough food to feed herself and her son; all she had was a handful of flour and a little olive oil. God however, caused that flour and oil to replenish itself continuously.


Shortly after these events, King Ahab of Israel sought Elijah to kill him because he blamed Elijah for the drought that had been ongoing for some three years. Elijah set out to meet with Ahab and 850 of his pagan priests, and God gave Elijah a thunderous victory. All of the priests were slain and only King Ahab’s life was spared. When the King returned to the palace and told his wife Jezebel what took place, she vowed to have Elijah killed within 24 hours. When Elijah heard of the threats made by Jezebel, in fear he traveled some 100 miles fleeing from her. Then God showed up and asked him: What are you doing here?


God often times asks us the same question. What are you doing here? What are you doing mixed up in that relationship? What are you doing running from your marriage? How did you get to where you are financially and spiritually? Did you look to your present circumstances and did they cause you to become afraid of the future? Is this why you are 100 miles away from where you should be? Did you forget?


1 Kings 19:15-16 NIV


The Lord said to him, “Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram. Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet.


This was God’s way of saying, while you did not notice, as you were running from Jezebel, I was finishing up my work. I have already selected a replacement for King Ahab and his wife Jezebel is powerless to do any harm. Elijah, what are you doing here, 100 miles away from where you should be when there is still so much that needs to be done?