The Intimacy Risk

Wednesday, February 19

True intimacy is to be fully known and completely accepted without any fear of being rejected. When God created man in the Garden of Eden, it was purely relational. There were no fears. Man was not afraid of God, and God was not afraid of man. There were no churches, no bibles or religions, and get this…there was only one rule. Oh, the one rule that placed intimacy and everything else at risk!

Why would God risk it all on one rule? Wouldn’t it be safer not to have rules at all? After all, this one rule gave mankind the utmost power and freedom…the freedom to choose God and the freedom to reject him. However, God doesn’t only want to love you, He also want’s to be loved by you, and without freedom, true intimacy wouldn’t be possible. It would be like attempting to force the status of best friend upon someone. You can’t force an intimate relationship. Both parties have to agree. That’s why the one rule. Because without it there would be no freedom, and without freedom there would be no chance for intimacy: a relationship in which God choses me and I freely chose Him.

God’s desire is to have an intimate relationship with you. God, in His freedom, has chosen you in spite of your shortcomings. Now, the only question that remains is will you choose Him?

Bible reading

John 6:44 NIV
No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them…

1 John 4:19 NIV
We love because he first loved us.

Heavenly Father, may I daily seek to have an intimate relationship with you. May I choose you just as you have chosen me.