The Key to the Heart – Bobby Cruz Jr.

Thursday March 17, 2016


To whom does your heart belong?


The goal behind God’s divine purpose has always been and will always be to capture our hearts and minds. He engages our minds by birthing in us a vision of what could and should be. However, it is the personal risks we take and sacrifices we make by which God obtains what He most wants from us, our hearts.


When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, he painted in the minds of the people a mental image; he drew in their imagination an image of what Jerusalem and their lives could become. Nehemiah understood however that in order to complete the task he would also need to capture the hearts of the people. He knew that if the people committed their personal resources to the vision, their hearts would eventually follow.


Matthew 6:21 NIV


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


The reason why physical sacrifices results in God obtaining our hearts has direct connection to the principle Jesus taught; as your treasures go, so goes your heart. Your heart and your treasures are interconnected this is why they follow one another. If you truly want to know what it is you are committed to, all you have to do is look at your credit card statements and your schedule. The way in which you handle your time and money is the clearest indicator of your values and priorities and it is the clearest indicator as to where your heart is. This is the reason why, at some point, God will ask you to make financial and scheduling sacrifices for the sake of the vision He birthed in you. God’s divine purpose will never completely capture your heart if you invest your time and money elsewhere.


When you physically and financially cross the line of risks and sacrifices, this is when you have completely collaborated with God. Each sacrifice will make you more acutely aware of your dependence on your Heavenly Father; now your faith is in His hands and if He does not show up you are in deep trouble. Additionally, each sacrifice will enable you to discover what the people of Jerusalem discovered, that physical sacrifices are just an invitation for divine intervention. This also determines to whom your heart belongs.