The human eye is the most advanced lens in the world, it weighs less than one ounce and measures about 24 MM. The eye’s retina contains 137 million light-sensitive cells that can distinguish more than 10 million colors. And, the muscles that control the eyes are the body’s fastest; they perform over 100,000 movements a day. That would be the equivalent of using your leg muscles to walk 40 miles. No other lens is capable of doing what the human eye can do.

Talking about the eyes, Jesus said, “Your eye is the lamp of your body.” – (Luke 11:34 NIV). Think about the headlamps on your car, wherever they are pointing, that’s the direction the vehicle will travel. The same is true with your eyes, wherever they are pointing will determine the direction of your body. There are people in financial difficulties because of their eyes. There are some relational problems because of their eyes. The principle is simple, that for good or bad what you’re looking at will determine where you’ll be going.

Studies show, unless you’re blind, that more than 90% of everything that you’ve learned and will learn, you will learn through your eyes. That means that the eyes are the main vehicles through which you will program your brain. And, as you already know, your brain will determine your actions and your actions will determine your outcomes. Don’t be deceived the programs, images, and things that you look at our programming your brain. The eye is the lamp of your body, so choose carefully what you look at.

King David wrote, Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word. – Psalms 119:37 NIV