Friday, July 17


In life we tend to get distracted at times we tend to lose our way. For some of you today the distraction can be in a specific area of your life maybe financially, with your health, in your relationships even spiritually. For others you’ve become distracted as far as the direction and purpose of your life, so distracted that you feel you’ve lost your way. At some point or another we all get distracted and we all lose our way.


Recently I was visiting some family up in southern California. I landed in Los Angeles but I had to rent a car to drive down to San Diego. Thank God for the GPS because I had absolutely no idea how to get there. As I was driving I got distracted and veered off course and immediately the GPS began to talk to me in order to give me a way out, it immediately said, ‘recalculating’. And what I loved the most was that the GPS never got upset at me, never screamed at me and never treated me like a dummy. It simply said ‘recalculating’ and proceeded to give me directions to get back on course. That’s pretty much what the Holy Spirit of God wants to do in our lives, give us direction and when we get distracted and lose our way, the Holy Spirit wants to lead us back on course.


John 16:13 NIV


But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.


In life there will be times in which we become distracted and lose our way, but for this reason and many others God has given us His Holy Spirit, to act as our guide when we get distracted and lose our way. In the same way that the GPS guides us, so does the Holy Spirit want to guide you. Imagine for a second being lost while having a GPS that you choose not to turn on or not to listen to. In a practical manner that GPS would be worthless to you. In the same way when we get distracted an lose our way we need to turn on the Holy Spirit, we need to listen to His voice recalculating and leading us back on track.


I hope and pray that if you have become distracted and lost your way that you would listen to God’s loving voice through the Holy Spirit saying, recalculating. Giving you the way out.


Power, the Holy Spirit guiding us when we become distracted and get lost.


Heavenly Father, I’m grateful that every time I’m distracted and stray I have the assurance that your Holy Spirit will guide me back to the path I should follow, the path that keeps me close to you.


Casa De ALABANZA Miami

Friday, Jul 31 / 8PM – 12 AM

Information: 305-649-4407