The Son of God!

Monday, March 10th

No matter what you think about Jesus one thing is for sure, He is the most famous and important figure of all times. Jesus is so famous that more books have been written about Him than any other person throughout history. He’s so important that His life divided every single event that has happened in the world and every single event that will happen in the world into two parts, before Christ and after Christ. What makes these facts even more fascinating is that:
• Jesus was a carpenter by trade.
• Jesus never traveled further than walking distance.
• Jesus spoke to fewer people than just about any evangelist today.
• Jesus never wrote a book.
• Jesus’ longest recorded sermon can be read in a few minutes.
• Jesus never held a political or religious office.
• Jesus’ ministry was so brief that many people in His lifetime didn’t know about Him until after He left.

How does a Jewish carpenter from the first century become the most famous and important figure in history? And more importantly, who is this Jesus? In some ways He was like everyone else, He had a name, a family and a trade. In other ways He was like no one else; no other person has caused more changes in this world than Him. If we take Jesus at His word, He claimed to be the “Son of God. “ When we hear these words, “Son Of God” they don’t mean the same to us today as they meant some two thousand years ago when they were written. For the people in Jesus’ time these words were an idiomatic expression. They didn’t hear the phrase “son of…” as relating to offspring, they heard the phrase ‘son of …‘ as relating to characteristics. In other words, they heard the phrase “Son Of God” to mean that Jesus possessed the characteristics of the one and only God. Therefore, being that there is only one God, the only way that Jesus could possess the characteristics of God was if He were God Himself. If Jesus is the “Son of God” then it would make sense that He is the most famous and important figure of all times, because the Son of God is God Himself.

This is the way I see it, but you don’t have to agree with me. I believe that everyone, believer or not should ask themselves, who is Jesus? You see, He is too famous and too important to ignore. I believe that if you ask yourself the question and do the necessary research you too will conclude that Jesus is the “Son of God”, in other words God Himself.

Bible reading
John 5:18 NIV

For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.

Heavenly Father, I should pay more attention to what Jesus said. He had a lot to say about the way in which I should live my life and what my priorities should be. And these were not the opinions and interpretations of another man, this was wisdom delivered to us from the perspective of the Son of God, God himself.