The Team and the Coach – Bobby Cruz Jr


Thursday, May 19, 2016

In both team and individual sports, no one reaches the goal on their own. In team sports such as basketball, even the best player in the world cannot win a championship by him or herself. Similarly, in individual sports, even the best runner, tennis player or boxer, needs a team to succeed. The same is true concerning God’s divine purpose for your life; there is no way you are going to make it all the way to the end on your own.


Nehemiah and many of the people of Jerusalem understood that their divine purpose was to rebuild their lives. However, in order to do so, they would first have to rebuild the fallen city walls. Against all odds and with God showing up, they were able to rebuild the walls in just fifty-two days. Having completed the first phase of God’s divine purpose, the time came for them to rebuild their lives. They understood, that in order for them to accomplish phase two, they were going to have to commit to God’s system of values. Therefore, they all agreed by means of a written covenant, to be financially faithful, to take care of the upkeep of the Temple, and to no longer engage in business on the Sabbath.


Nehemiah returned to Persia upon rebuilding the walls and leaving all things in order. Shortly thereafter, he decided to return to Jerusalem. Much to his surprise, when he arrived, he went to the Temple but no one was there; he found it abandoned and neglected. Instead of honoring the day of the Lord, the people were out doing business on the Sabbath and to make matters worse, their children had married foreigners and could no longer speak the Hebrew language.


Undoubtedly the people were sincere when they signed the pact they made with God, however, all their promises and commitments proved to be insufficient. It simply was not enough! Nehemiah was so enraged that he rebuked, cursed, punched, and even pulled some of the people’s hair. He then proceeded to reestablish the workers in the Temple, he reestablished the Sabbath, and he made the people swear to God that they would stop disobeying His laws and would stop allowing their children to marry foreigners.


If you are going to fulfill God’s purpose for your life, you will need to form part of a team and you are going to need a coach or leader to help you. During Nehemiah’s absence from Jerusalem when he returned to Persia, it was just a matter of time before the people fell right back into the behavior that had been their downfall. Once again, Nehemiah had to assume the role of coach and leader to help reestablish the people as a team and to connect them through a common value system.


Nehemiah 12:27-28 NIV

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues.

In order for you to see God’s divine purpose for your life completed, you will need to form part of a team and you will need the help of coaches and leaders. The followers of Jesus as the New Testament describes, formed part of a church and they had a leader, they did not operate on their own. The Apostle Paul describes the church as a body, neatly tied together with Jesus as the Head. Today, just as in the past, too many Christians have stopped congregating and are working on their own. Just like in team and individual sports where you are part of a team and need a leader, if you are going to see God’s divine purpose for your life fulfilled you will need spiritual leaders and you will need to form part of a congregation of believers.