The Three Most Powerful Words



Friday May 12, 2017


What came first the chicken or the egg? What about the dinosaurs, did they really exist? If so, where did they go? Did Adam and Eve really exist or is their story just mythology? Did a big fish actually swallow Jonah and he lived to tell the story? If God is so good, why does He allow bad things to happen? When we talk about the Gospels, the good news of Jesus Christ, there are always more questions than answers. Having said this, you do not need to have the answers to all the questions. All you need to know are the three most powerful words in the world.


Nicky Cruz was a young man who was physically and emotionally tortured by his parents. His mother called him a “son of the devil” and cursed the day he was born. At the age of 15 his parents sent him to New York City with twenty bucks and a single small bag. By age 16 he was the violent leader of a gang and his only pleasure was to hurt people the same way his parents hurt him. Nobody was able to reach Nicky and his psychiatrist told him that if he didn’t first get killed on the streets, he was destined to jail, the electric chair, and hell.


A country preacher named David Wilkerson was reading his local newspaper one day and learned how the gangs had turned New York City into a battle zone. Wilkerson felt compelled to go to New York to bring the good news of salvation to the gangs. When Nicky heard Wilkerson preaching on a street corner, he approached the preacher and told him to “shut up, there is no God, and if you keep on talking I am going to kill you”. Wilkerson replied: “Nicky you can take a knife and cut me into a thousand pieces and throw them in the gutter, but every one of those pieces will cry out, Jesus Loves you”. Wilkerson’s message stuck in Nicky’s mind. Nicky could not get rid of that simple message, “Jesus loves you”, and eventually that simple message transformed his life.


It was not the answers to the deep and profound questions of society; it was that simple message, Jesus loves you, that transformed Nicky’s life and the lives of countless others throughout the world. We do not need the answers to everyone’s questions; we do however need to let them hear the three most powerful words in the universe, “Jesus loves you”.


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NIV



If you reside in the Miami area, or if you plan on visiting, I would like to invite you to come and hear Nicky speak live on Sunday May 21 at 9am or at 11:30am. This is a ticketed event but tickets are FREE of charge so bring a friend. To download your free ticket please visit: