Time and the Coronavirus

The Coronavirus quarantine has afforded us plenty of extra time, so what should we do with that extra time? The truth is that I’ve just asked a flawed question because we do not have extra time. Actually, today we have less time than when the quarantine first began. We may have fewer engagements but we also have less time because time moves in just one direction, forwards. We can’t go back in time. We only get one first birthday or one 21st birthday and we can’t go back and relive those moments. We can’t save time. Time is not like money that we can place in a savings account; we get 24 hrs. every day until the day we pass and every single second will be consumed by the end of each day. And we can’t pause time. In a race, we can pause to rest but the clock continues moving forwards. Therefore today we don’t have extra time we actually have less time, so a better question is: What should we do with our time? 

For those of us who are Christians, we should understand that the way we consume our time impacts us morally in the physical realm, and spiritually in the spiritual realm. So, let’s consider the importance of time in two areas.  

1. Time is a test of our trustworthiness – How we consume our time will determine if we are a person worthy of being trusted. If we squander time, it will reveal our untrustworthiness. If we consume it wisely, it will demonstrate that we are a person worthy of being trusted. So, we should redeem our time wisely. 

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. – Ephesians 5:15:16 NKJ

2. Time is an appointment – The main purpose of our time on this earth is to find God and prioritize spending time with Him.  

Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. – Isaiah 55:6 NIV

So, what should we do with our time during the Coronavirus quarantine? The same thing we should do every day of our lives, we should be wise and seek God while He may be found.