Time Poverty


It’s better to be a turtle that walks unhurriedly and enjoys every step of the way than to be a rabbit that runs fast but misses all the important details in life.

When God created the planet he created it as a place for humans to dwell and He filled it with all kinds of animals and plants. And just like the rest of the animals and plants, we moved through our natural cycles at nature’s pace and time was marked by the passing of seasons. But with the advent of modern society our relationship with time has radically changed, we’ve become disconnected from nature and nature’s pace. We’re so disconnected from nature that it almost seems like time is moving faster, it almost seems like the natural seasons move faster. It seems like the hours and the minutes are moving faster. If you feel this way then you suffer from “Time Poverty”.

Psychologists now recognize time poverty as a main source of stress in our lives. In a fast-paced world there just isn’t enough time to do everything we have to do: the demands of work, our daily responsibilities and chores, our families, not to mention the endless 24/7 online communications. We’re constantly rushing to keep up only to inevitably fall behind. And the result of time poverty is that we end up destroying ourselves spiritually, physically and emotionally. But the worst consequence of all is the harmful effect that it has on our relationships, even our relationship with God.

The antidote to Time Poverty:

1.Listen to God’s instructions about rest.

You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but on the seventh day you must stop working, even during the seasons of plowing and harvest.

– Exodus 34:21 NLT

2. Learn how to say, “NO”.

In a fast-paced world everyone wants to add to your agenda … your spouse, your children, the boss. There is no lack of people wanting your time. You need to prioritize rest on your agenda. For that to happen you will need to learn to say, “no”.

3. Reconnect with life’s natural cycles.

On your day to rest, reconnect with nature, take a walk; look at the sun, the moon and the stars. Listen to the sounds of nature.

Psalms 23:1-2 NLT

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures…

Its simple, you will never be at your best unless you rest, because when you rest you recharge spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Thank you Heavenly Father for creating a natural rhythm of life. Help me to reconnect with that rhythm so that I can enjoy the relationships that are most important to me. And of course, that starts with You.