Time, Space and Matter





Monday, January 08, 2018


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. – Genesis 1:1 NIV

By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen. – Hebrews 11:3 NIV



In the beginning, we believe that God created the universe and everything that exists, in a continuum of time, space, and matter.  The reason being, if there were matter but no space, where would you put it? If there were matter but no time, when would you put it? All three elements needed to come into existence at the very same time. In Genesis 1:1, the very first verse in the Bible, we see that God created the beginning, time, the heavens, space, and earth matter. We as Christians believe in a God who exists outside of time, space, and matter yet he sustains all time, space, and matter.


Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness… – Genesis 1:26 NIV


Following the creation of the universe, God created mankind (you and I) in relationship to Him (in His image), to have a relationship with Him (in His likeness). Then, He placed us within the universe that He created to have a relationship with Him. However, in the abundance of time He has granted us, many choose to postpone their relationship with Him. And, in the abundance of space he’s allowed us to dwell in, many choose to hide from Him. God however created us to dwell with him and to relate to Him in what I will call “sacred space”.


The sacred space in which Adam and Eve related to God was the Garden of Eden, Moses found his sacred space on the mountain, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in a fiery furnace while Daniel prayed in the lion’s den. Peter encountered God in the Temple, the Apostle Paul prayed in a prison, and the Apostle John encountered God while exiled on the island of Patmos. Astronaut Jim Irwin encountered God on the moon, Dr. Charles Stanley in a closet, Nicky Cruz on the streets of New York, and the place where I pray and encounter God is on my living room couch early in the mornings.




  1. Do you have a sacred place where you encounter God?
  2. Do you find yourself postponing your time with God?
  3. What are some of the excuses you give to postpone your time with God?
  4. Do you find yourself hiding from God?
  5. Where are some of the places in which you hide from God?


God I believe you created the heavens and the earth and all that exists, I believe you created me in your likeness and in your image to have a relationship with you. Please help me to find that sacred space where I can encounter you and have an intimate and personal relationship with you, Amen.