



Tuesday, January 16, 2018


It was the late 1990’s when HD Televisions first came onto the market. Voom Network became one of the first, if not the first to offer a suite of high definition channels. Subscriptions unfortunately did not meet company expectations since very few people could afford the cost of a high definition TV. HD TV’s back then could cost as much as ten thousand dollars. Within two years the company lost its distribution partner and subsequently went out of business. The company had a great idea and business concept but they came into the market a few years too early; their timing was off.


In life just like in business you can’t be too early but you also don’t want to be too late. Success is all about the timing. A musician, actor, comedian, communicator, athlete and even a parents’ success depends on their timing. Musicians need to have precise timing, actors and comedians need to deliver their lines at that right time and parents need to pick and choose the right time to discipline their child.

Timing is important but just as important is choosing where you invest your time. Each one of us will get 24 hours every day to spend, and how we spend those hours will shape and form our lives for good or for bad. If one person decides to spend their time studying or developing their God-gifted talents and the other decides to play video games, which one do you think will become more successful? If one person invests a portion of their time exercising while the other spends their time watching television, which one do you think will live a longer and healthier life?


The Apostle Paul writing to the believers in the 5th chapter of the Book of Ephesians told them that since they were living in a corrupt world, they needed to take full advantage of the way in which they managed and invested their time. He warned them that the way they handled their schedules would have a profound impact on their lives.


But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

 – Matthew 6:6 NIV


There exists is no greater investment that you can make than spending time alone with God. For our Lord Jesus, the question was not if you prayed but rather when you prayed. The Lord Jesus did not consider time alone with God something that we could do but rather something we are supposed to do. I ask you, who do you think will end up truly successful in life, the person who neglects time alone with God, or the one who intentionally schedules time alone with God? The answer is obvious but since we are living such busy lives, it is easy to neglect our time alone with God. So, let me give you some tips to help you:


  1. Schedule it. You need to predetermine on what days and at what time you’re going to spend time alone with God.
  2. Select a quiet time. This is a time when you will have the least amount of distractions and interruptions. For some this may take waking up a bit earlier or going to bed a little later.



  1. Do you recall having a good idea but you were either too early or too late?
  2. Do you recall ever having to speak up but you did so too early or too late?
  3. Do you have for whatever reason any regrets for having neglected to invest time in a specific area or relationship and why?
  4. Have you predetermined the days and the time when you will spend alone time in prayer with God?
  5. For you personally, what would be the best time of the day to spend time alone with God?



Dear God, please help me to be intentional in finding the best time and the best place to be alone with you. Your timing is perfect Lord so please help me to meet you there and to not neglect investing my time with you.